materials and small group cases are posted here for University of Calgary
Cumming School of Medicine students. Access to these materials are password
By the end of the Paediatric Clerkship, a medical student will be able to:
- Propose a differential diagnosis and an investigation and management plan for febrile patients in the following age groups: Less than 1 month old 1-3 months old Greater than 3 months old.
- Clinically recognize and propose an investigation and management plan for patients with: Kawasaki disease, meningitis, ocult bacteremia / sepsis, and urinary tract infection.
- List common viruses that cause fever in paediatric patients.
Half Day Cases
A 4 year old boy presents with a 6 day history of fever, conjunctivitis, and irritability.
A 2 year old girl presents with a 2 day history of fever and a sore ear.
A 6 year old boy presents with a 1 day history of fever and sore throat.
A 6 year old girl presents with an acute history of fever and a swollen right eye.