


The following resources have been reviewed and collated by canuc-paeds. These resources are aimed to provide information at the level of the medical student. These include overviews of topics, clinical resources, and useful guidelines that contain relevant materials.


  • Meningitis. Mann, K et al. .
    Pediatrics in Review 2008; 29(12): 417-430.
    Overview on bacterial, viral, TB and fungal meningitis, management, complications and long term sequelae.
  • Kawasaki Disease. Son MB et al. .
    Pediatrics in Review 2013; 34(4): 151-162. .
    Overview article on Kawasaki disease, manifestations, differential diagnosis, treatment, cardiac complications- good pictures and tables. .
  • Urinary tract infection: Clinical practice guideline for the diagnosis and management of the initial UTI in febrile infants and children 2 to 24 months.
    Pediatrics 2011; 128(3): 595-610. .
    Clinical practice guideline from the Subcommittee on UTI, steering committee on quality improvement and management. .


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