
Eye Issues


Lecture materials and small group cases are posted here for University of Calgary Cumming School of Medicine students. Access to these materials are password protected.


By the end of the Paediatric Clerkship, a medical student will be able to:

  1. Clinically recognize an absent red reflex and describe the significance of this finding.
  2. Assess visual acuity and for the presence of strabismus.
  3. Describe general management for amblyopia.
  4. List the differences between periorbital and orbital cellulitis and propose a management plan for each.
  5. Propose an investigation and management plan for a patient with conjunctivitis.

Half Day Cases

  • An 8 month old boy is brought into your clinic, as parents are concerned that he appears to be "cross-eyed"
  • You are working in the newborn nursery. On your routine physical exam, you notice that a term infant girl has no red reflexes
  • A 10 year old boy has had 1 2 week history of rhinorrhea. Over the last 2 days, he has had progressive swelling, erythema and pain over his right eye.