
Development / Behavioural / Learning Problems


Lecture materials and small group cases are posted here for University of Calgary Cumming School of Medicine students. Access to these materials are password protected.


By the end of the Paediatric Clerkship, a medical student will be able to:

  1. List the major developmental milestones from birth to age 6 in each of the 5 domains of development: gross motor, fine motor, speech & language, and cognitive and social-emotional.
  2. Recognize major deviations from the normal range of development and behaviour.
  3. List a differential diagnosis for speech and language delay.
  4. List the features on history and physical exam that are consistent with attention deficit disorders and autism spectrum disorders.

Half Day Cases

  • A 7 year old child is being referred to your clinic, as she has been struggling in school and having difficulty focusing on tasks.
  • A 2 year old child is referred to you due to a concern about his language development. He currently only has 2-3 intelligible words
  • A 4 year old boy is referred to you due to clumsiness and an inability to keep up with his peers at preschool. The family is concerned that he may have a delay in his motor skills.