
Adolescent Health Issues


Lecture materials and small group cases are posted here for University of Calgary Cumming School of Medicine students. Access to these materials are password protected.


By the end of the Paediatric Clerkship, a medical student will be able to:

  1. Conduct a history that includes social-economic, cultural, home, and environment factors.
  2. Recognize the factors that contribute to disordered eating and substance use and abuse.
  3. List the order of pubertal development in boys and girls.
  4. List the features on history and physical examination that are consistent with sexually transmitted infections.

Half Day Cases

  • A 7 year old girl presents to your clinic due to bilateral breast masses
  • A 15 year old has a history of 5 kg weight loss over the last 2 months
  • A 13 year old has been refusing to attend school for the last 4 weeks